- Mining Introduction
Mining equipment: Graphics card (A / N card)
ANTPOOL mining address: stratum+tcp://stratum-ethw.antpool.com:8008
Operating system: Windows, Linux
Mining software: Bminer, Claymore, minerOS, etc.
- Mining Software
1) Developer's original mining software:
2) ANTPOOL’s mining software
Baidu Netdisk: 6rqw
Miners just need to change the username or wallet address in the parameter to their own username and wallet address, and save the settings. You can download via the Baidu Netdisk.
- Mining Configuration
Take Bminer as an example (Nvidia and AMD graphics cards)
Download and unzip the Bminer mining software. Select “mine_eth.bat” file and right click to edit. The parameter settings are as follows:
@echo OFF
REM Change the following address to your ETHW addr.
SET ADDRESS=wallet address
REM Change SCHEME according to your POOL. For example:
SET POOL= ethw.antpool.com:8008
SET SCHEME=ethstratum
START "Bminer: When Crypto-mining Made Fast" bminer.exe -uri %SCHEME%://%USERNAME%@%POOL% -api
When using ANTPOOL’s mining software, you just need to change the “ADDRESS” under “mine_eth.bat” to your ANTPOOL’s username or ETH wallet address, save the settings and run “mine_eth.bat” file.
Miner ID is separated by dot “.” When modifying, only modify the corresponding characters. Do not add or remove anu spaces or punctuations.
For example (mining ETHW by sub account):
sub account : miner / miner ID:001
Verify that all information is correct, save and exit “mine_eth.bat” file. Double-click on the edited “mine_eth.bat” file to start mining.
- Sub-accounts cannot have Chinese or special characters; miner ID cannot have “_”; sub-account and miner ID to be separated by “.”.
(Correct example: sub-account: antminer123.001)
- Users using flint OS software
- Anonymous mining (wallet address mining): If you have set up your wallet address, the password has to be set as empty. Your earnings can be viewed in ANTPOOL with the wallet address
- Mining with ANTPOOL account: If you have set up your wallet address, you can set up your sub-account under PSW field
- Mining with ANTPOOL account: If you have set up your wallet address as your sub-account, then psw: do not move x
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