【About DCRN】
Decred-Next is a new public chain generated by a hard fork after Decred was upgraded to V1.7 due to a disagreement in the community consensus. Decred-Next retains the mixed consensus mechanism of 60% POW, 30% POS and 10% treasury of the original Decred. It has excellent characteristics such as high safety, strong adaptability and sustainable development.
Decred-Next official website: https://dcrn.xyz/
Decred-Next block explorer: https://data.dcrn.xyz/
Mining equipment: ASIC miner
ANTPOOL DCRN mining address: stratum+tcp://dcrn.antpool.com:8028
【ASIC miner configuration】
Currently, AntMiner DR3 and DR5 supports DCR mining, their hash rate is dozens of times higher than GPU mining and the mining configuration is relatively simple.
1)Obtain miner IP to login to management backstage
Detailed instruction on how to download and how to use software (IP Reporter software) to obtain miner IP please refer to:
After obtaining the miner IP, enter IP address into the browser (Google or Firefox recommended). The default username and password are both "root" (in lowercase):
2) Set mining parameters
After logging into the management backstage, click on the "Miner Configuration"-"General Settings" page to modify the mining parameters.
Parameter Descriptions:
URL: stratum+tcp://dcrn.antpool.com:8028
Miner: Fill in as "Sub Account.Miner Number"
Password: No changes require (default password is 123 or x)
After the configuration is completed, click “Save & Apply” to start mining.
【Check Hashrate and Earnings】
- Payout will be made daily when minimum payout value has been met. No action is required from miners.
- Payout is made to configured wallet address and can be viewed on the same day. Alternatively, you can visit the payment page for statues information ("Paying" means payment is processing, "Paid" means payment has been paid successful)
Note:Please make sure to use a valid wallet address for mining. ANTPOOL will not be responsible for any loss of earnings caused by wrong wallet configuration.
Should you have any question during mining, please contact our customer service:
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